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Aluminium Windows & Doors

Aluminium windows and doors have become increasingly popular choices for homeowners seeking sleek, modern aesthetics coupled with durability and energy efficiency. In this guide, we’ll delve into the world of aluminium fenestration, exploring everything from costs and benefits to installation considerations and maintenance tips.

Costs of Aluminium Windows and Doors:

The cost of aluminium windows and doors can vary depending on factors such as size, style, glazing options, and additional features. On average, homeowners can expect to invest between £1,500 and £4,500 per window, including installation. Similarly, aluminium doors typically range from £1,500 to £5,000, depending on size and specifications. While aluminium fenestration may have a higher initial cost compared to other materials, its durability and energy efficiency can result in long-term savings on utility bills and maintenance expenses.

The average cost of installing aluminium windows throughout a typical three bedroom house ranges from £6,000 to £18,000, depending on factors such as the number of windows, size, style, and any additional features or customization options chosen.

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Types of Aluminium Windows:

Aluminium windows are available in various styles to suit different architectural preferences and functional requirements. Common types include:

Casement Windows:

Hinged on one side, casement windows open outward, offering excellent ventilation and unobstructed views.

Size (mm)Average cost
600 x 900£800 – £1,200
900 x 1200£1,200 – £1,800
1200 x 1200£1,500 – £2,500
Aluminium Casement Window Costs

Sliding Windows:

Featuring horizontal sashes that glide along a track, sliding windows are ideal for contemporary spaces.

Size (mm)Average cost
600 x 900£1,000 – £1,800
900 x 1200£1,500 – £2,500
1200 x 1200£2,000 – £3,500
Aluminium Sliding Window Costs

Awning Windows:

Hinged at the top and opening outward from the bottom, awning windows provide ventilation while protecting against rain and debris.

Size (mm)Price Range
600 x 600£600 – £1,000
900 x 900£800 – £1,500
1200 x 1200£1,200 – £2,000
Aluminium Awning Window Costs

Fixed Windows:

Also known as picture windows, fixed windows do not open and are designed to frame scenic views and allow natural light into the room.

Size (mm)Price Range
1200 x 1200£700 – £1,200
1500 x 1200£900 – £1,500
1800 x 1200£1,200 – £2,000
Aluminium Fixed Window Costs
casement aluminium windows and french door in kitchen

Types of Aluminium Doors:

Aluminium doors come in various configurations to suit different entryways and design preferences. Popular options include:

Sliding Doors:

Sliding doors consist of panels that glide horizontally along a track, providing expansive views and seamless indoor-outdoor transitions.

Size (mm)Price Range
1800 x 2100£1,500 – £3,000
2400 x 2100£2,000 – £4,000
3000 x 2100£3,000 – £5,000
Aluminium Sliding Door Costs

Bi-fold Doors:

Bi-fold doors feature multiple panels that fold and stack neatly to one side, creating a wide opening for connecting indoor and outdoor spaces.

Size (mm)Price Range
1800 x 2100£2,000 – £4,000
2400 x 2100£2,500 – £5,000
3000 x 2100£3,500 – £6,000
Aluminium Bi-fold Door Costs

French Doors:

French doors consist of double hinged panels that swing inward or outward, adding elegance and versatility to any room.

Size (mm)Price Range
1200 x 2100£1,500 – £2,500
1500 x 2100£2,000 – £3,500
1800 x 2100£2,500 – £4,500
Aluminium French Door Costs

These price ranges are approximate and may vary depending on factors such as brand, glazing options, and additional features. It’s advisable to consult with a professional installer to obtain accurate quotes based on your specific requirements.

Pro’s and Con’s to Aluminium windows:

Before making a decision on whether aluminium windows and doors are the right choice for your home, it’s important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of this popular fenestration option.


  1. Durability: Aluminium is inherently resistant to rust, corrosion, and weather damage, making it an ideal choice for exterior applications. Aluminium windows and doors can withstand exposure to harsh environmental conditions, including rain, wind, and UV rays, without deteriorating over time.
  2. Sleek Design: Aluminium frames boast slim profiles, allowing for larger glass areas and maximizing natural light ingress. The sleek and modern aesthetic of aluminium fenestration complements various architectural styles, from contemporary to industrial, adding a touch of sophistication to any space.
  3. Energy Efficiency: With advancements in thermal break technology, aluminium windows and doors offer excellent insulation properties, helping to minimize heat transfer and reduce energy consumption. Properly insulated aluminium fenestration can contribute to a more comfortable indoor environment and lower heating and cooling costs.
  4. Low Maintenance: Aluminium requires minimal upkeep compared to other materials such as wood or uPVC. Regular cleaning and occasional lubrication of hinges and tracks are typically all that’s needed to keep aluminium windows and doors looking and performing their best.


  1. Thermal Conductivity: Aluminium is a highly conductive material, meaning it readily transfers heat and cold. Without proper thermal insulation, aluminium windows and doors can contribute to heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer, potentially leading to energy inefficiency and increased heating and cooling costs.
  2. Condensation: In colder climates, aluminium frames can be prone to condensation buildup, particularly if they are not adequately insulated. Condensation on windows and doors can lead to moisture-related issues such as mold growth, rot, and damage to surrounding surfaces if not addressed promptly.
  3. Cost: Aluminium windows and doors tend to have a higher initial cost compared to other materials such as uPVC or timber. While the durability and longevity of aluminium fenestration can offset this initial investment over time, the upfront cost may be a consideration for budget-conscious homeowners.
  4. Limited Colour Options: While aluminium frames can be powder-coated in a wide range of colours and finishes, the customization options may be more limited compared to other materials such as uPVC or timber, which can be painted or stained to match specific design preferences.

Overall, aluminium windows and doors offer numerous benefits, including durability, sleek design, energy efficiency, and low maintenance requirements. However, it’s essential to consider potential drawbacks such as thermal conductivity, condensation, initial cost, and limited colour options when making a decision for your home.

grey aluminium windows on stone cottage

Maintenance Tips:

To ensure your aluminium windows and doors remain in optimal condition and continue to enhance your home’s aesthetics and functionality, it’s essential to follow these maintenance tips:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Keep your aluminium frames and glass surfaces clean by wiping them down regularly with a mild detergent and water solution. This helps remove dirt, grime, and debris that can accumulate over time and detract from their appearance.
  2. Lubrication: Apply a silicone-based lubricant to the hinges, tracks, and locking mechanisms of your aluminium windows and doors. This helps to ensure smooth operation and prevents friction-related issues that can arise over time. Regular lubrication also helps to protect against corrosion, particularly in areas prone to high humidity or salt exposure.
  3. Inspect Seals: Check the weatherstripping and seals around your aluminium windows and doors on a regular basis. Look for signs of wear, tear, or damage, such as cracking, peeling, or gaps. Damaged seals can compromise the energy efficiency and weatherproofing of your windows and doors, leading to drafts, moisture infiltration, and increased energy bills. Replace any damaged seals promptly to maintain optimal performance and prolong the lifespan of your aluminium fenestration.

By incorporating these maintenance practices into your regular home care routine, you can ensure that your aluminium windows and doors not only look their best but also continue to provide reliable performance and protection for years to come.

Installation Considerations & Aluminium Window Quotes

When installing aluminium windows and doors, it’s essential to consider factors such as:

  • Professional Installation: Hiring experienced installers ensures proper fitting and sealing, maximizing energy efficiency and weather resistance.
  • Customization Options: Aluminium fenestration can be tailored to fit specific size requirements and design preferences, allowing for seamless integration into any architectural style.
  • Building Regulations: Compliance with local building codes and regulations is crucial to ensure safety and structural integrity.

At The Home Improvement Hub we know the importance of finding a credible installer and the challenges involved in sourcing the right one. That’s why we’ve teamed up with the most known home improvement comparison service in the UK. They have a network of local installers all vetted and referenced checked each holding the relevant accreditations ready to give you a competitive no obligation quote.

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